miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Operating systems!

Hello, it's me again!
Today i'l teach you about the OPERATING SYSTEMS, so here we are!


Surely everyone of you have one of those in your houses or... that i guess.
The restoration of the TV is chanching constantly in our homes, for example:
- Plasma
Those have completely displaced TVs and CRT that remain as waste in the lowest and small size ranges, this popularity of advanced televisions has resulted in a continuous drop in prices.

Video games 

This is for the video games fans, a little explanation of this in the ICT'S.
In 2007, there was an explosion in sales in the world of consoles.
In the left picture you would see one of the most famous industries of video games.

I don't know so much about this topic, so for that i let the next
video for you can informate more about the video games. And also me!
Is about the best retro games, like the clasics!

Music and audio:

I think that everyone of you listen music unless one time for day.. well I usually do.
Since the popularity of MP3 players, sale or decline music online is shifting CD formats.
They are audio files recorded by fans or media, containing news, music, radio programs, among others. Normally encoded in MPS, but can be heard on the computer, it's common to use the portable MP3 players such as iPod, which in April 2008 had sold 150 million units worldwide.

In this video you would see the ICT'S imput in the Estoinian music.

Don't you love go to the cinema? Because i do.
And, do you know what? THE ICT'S HAVE A IMPORTANT IMPUT IN THIS TOO!!! I'll explain you what:
As the differential service is offered by some IP television networks, and that is to view content on demand video mode. So you control the program as if the VCR at home.
DTT offer data transmission services and interactivity, in particular electronic program guides, public services and related information management and electronic commerce.
The next picture is a example of it. 

Well that's all for today, see you the next time :)

Social networks.

Hi everyone!!

In this oportunity i'll talk about the social networks because that is one of the most important things in the ICT'S.

What is a Social network?

The official definition for this thing is:" A dedicated website or other application that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc."
There're a lot of things that the social networks can bring us, for example in the business, there you need to share your product with the world, for they meet it, but, how? Here's when te social networks starts to help you. Is not a secret that in nowdays a big porcent of the people has intelligent phones, computers, tablets, etc; That's the reason for you have to start to handle the technology for your business, for the people can know about you!!
But why? easily you would make a lot of booklets and share in the comunity, and here is the reason, te social networks is EASIEST than other way. There you can show your product, like pictures, prices, offers, the place and MORE!!

How it affects your business?

It can affect your business in many ways, here i'll show you some of those:
1. Your consumers, co-workers, decision makers are currently using it without make publicity of your business.
2. Currently your competition has facebook, twitter, blogg, etc, for win more money than you!
3. Without a social network in your business, you won't have more 500 persons visiting it for know and maybe buy your product.
4. The companies that has social networks win more money than they whon don't have one.
5. A major porcent of consumers preffer visit a company's web site than visit the place.
There are more reasons but i let you show it for yourself wiht this video that explain better the idea that i'm trying to you undesrtand.
Here you are:

The most importants: 

Nowdays there's a lot of social networks that you can use, but i'll explain you whose are the MOST importantes for you can create and get into the online world NOW!!
Facebook: Is a popular free social network   website that allows registred users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.                                                     Twitter: Is a free social network service that allows registred members to broadcast short post called twets.                                              Instragram: Is a free online program and social network that enables users to take, edit and share photos with other users. 

Those are little definitions but here down i let a interesting video for you can understand it very well. 

Thanks for read me, byeee <3

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

What is the ICT'S?


In this opportunity we'll learn more about i have been speaking in the lasts pots, but first you have to know what is the mean of ICT for you can start to recognice the mean of it.

What is it? 

"ICT is a thechnology required for information processing, in particular, the use electronics computers, 
communication and application software to convert, 
store, protect, process, transmit and retieve information
 from anywhere, anytime."
Okay, now that you know what ICT is, we can introduce very well. This tool has a important input in a lot of categories, for example: in education, culture, industrial, etc. Let's to define each one.

IN EDUCATION: - With ICT'S the teachers can show easily their material to the students.
                                 - Is easier to explain and learn.
IN CULTURE:  - New write forms.
                            - A great transfomations in information and communication.
IN INDUSTRY: - In the begining of a factory or company.
                            - In the operating process.
With the next video you'll see how the ICT'S helps in the industry.

The ICT'S in the environment. 

The ICT'S helps in diferent things and in this oportunity i'll show how it happen. There's a definition for the ICT'S in this case: "Are those based systems and especially in computer application toolsthat technological resources contribute to reducing the environmental impact of our society developed."One of the most important input is the technologies that help to save changing energy management habits.How can we do that? Not buy compulsively our computers when it starts giving problems, first youhave to find what is the problem and try to fix it or tell someone that know about it. When you don't use the computer you can put off it and don't let in on.

Here I let a picture where you can understand better this idea.

Tips for save energy in your house:
1. Get off the lights when you aren't using it. 
2. Try to do the laundry one time with all your clothes and not one for one. 
3. Buy save bulbs.
4. Don't let your tv or your computer in sleep mode.
5. Keep you cell phone charger conected JUST when you're using it. 
Those are basics recomendatios for you can help the planet, are really simple to do, and it helps a lot our home. Think it. 
You'll understand better this idea with the next video.

Hope that you make those thing for help the planet with the ICT'S.
Bye :) 

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Welcome to my new ICT'S blog!

Hi to everyone!!

This is my new blog about information and communications technology, where you will find news, curiosities, and other important things about it. 

In the next post i'll talk to you more about this topic but how this is just my welcome for you i let a funny video for you can introduce a little about the ICT'S.
Here you are.

On this video you would see the evolution of the technology since the beginning of the time. 

Okay then see you the next time when we can go on entirely to talk about the ICT'S.

Thank you for read me and see you!! :)

Introduce myself!

Hi everyone!

Well i'm going to introduce myself.

My name is Nora Eliana Alfonso, i'm 17 years old and i'm from Colombia.

This is me :) 

Currently i'm studying Modern Languajes where i'll learn english, french and german. I choose this career because in the future i would like travel around all the world and at the same time I can commuicate with all the people.

I'm a simple person, I like reading, listen to music, go to the cinema, pass time with my family and my friends, among others.
I belong to 1DM group on ECCI University. 

That's all for now, hope that you like my blog and help you in what you need.
Thank you for read me!

See you!